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Senin, 04 Maret 2013

Masjid Raya Al Munawar / Al Munawar Mosque

Masjid Raya Al Munawar
Masjid Raya Al Munawar adalah Masjid terbesar di Kota Ternate. Masjid yang diresmikan pada tangal 5 Agustus 2010 lalu oleh Walikota Ternate Drs. H. Syamsir Andili, berada pada kawasan Reklamasi Tapak II. Letak masjid yang berada di tepi pantai ini melengkapi keindahan alam dan budaya masyarakat Ternate. Tidak hanya besar, masjid ini juga unik karena masjid yang memiliki empat menara dimana dua diantara menara tersebut dibangun di atas air. Karena hal tersebut Masjid Raya Al-Munawar juga disebut dengan Masjid Apung. Pantas lah masyarakat Ternate bangga memiliki Masjid yang megah tersebut yang memancarkan pesona religius ke seluruh Kota Ternate.

Al Munawar Mosque
Al Munawar Mosque is the largest mosque in the city of Ternate. The mosque, which was inaugurated on August 5, 2010 and the date by Mayor of Ternate Drs. H. Syamsir Andili, located at the Reclamation Tread II. The location of the mosque which is located on the beach complements the natural beauty and cultural communities Ternate. Not just great, this mosque is also unique because the mosque has four minarets in which two of the towers are built on the water. Because it is Masjid Al-Munawar also called the Floating Mosque. No wonder communities Ternate is proud to have such a magnificent mosque that emits religious charm to the entire city of Ternate.

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